Ong Bak 2

[While Tony Jaa’s Ong Bak 2 finally made it through its tortuous production process and arrived in Thai theaters to a hugely positive response - a response that has already led to a third Ong Bak film being confirmed - there are some dissenting voices out there. One of the unconvinced is regular Twitch reader James Marsh, who contributes the review below.]

Thailand, 1431. Lord Rajsena is running amok in northern Thailand in a bid to take over the whole kingdom. His fearsome army rampages through the jungles killing everyone in its path, including Lord Sidhadeco, a well-respected General, and his wife. Traumatised by seeing his parents slaughtered, young Tien flees, but is captured and forced to wrestle a crocodile by vicious slave traders. The wise and sympathetic Chernang, seeing a flicker of promise under the matted hair of the young lad, helps him escape and takes Tien under his wing. Years pass and Tien (Tony Jaa) is trained in all manner of weird and wonderful martial art techniques, as well as how to run across the backs of stampeding elephants, make them sit and roll over and other cool stuff. He is even taught how to kill, which according to Chernang, is the final step to becoming a great leader. Once Tien has proved his physical and mental prowess, Chernang hands over leadership of the clan, and Tien embarks on his mission to track down Lord Rajsena and beat the crap out of him, and lots of other people too.

The production of Ong Bak 2 has been fraught with drama and controversy. After Tony Jaa fell out with Prachya Pinkaew, architect of Ong Bak and Tom Yum Goong, the films that brought the star to the attention of the martial arts world, he took on the directorial reins of this supposed prequel himself. There were stories of financiers pulling out, the film going well over budget and the whole production grinding to a halt for two months after Jaa went AWOL – apparently retreating to meditate after the stress got too much for him. But the finished product has finally made it to cinema screens, breaking box office records on its release in Thailand. However, the truth be told, Ong Bak 2 is a complete train wreck of a film. Jaa’s character stalks through the mud and rain like a deranged psychotic Mowgli, tearing a path through an endless stream of gurning, hysterical adversaries with little sense of motivation beyond blind rage.

Told through a series of flashbacks, the first hour of the film is baffling and rather nonsensical, before finally settling down to become little more than a string of bone-crunching showdowns. Now, martial arts films, more than most other genres, can get by on the flimsiest of storylines and be all the better for it, but until the final reel, Ong Bak 2 threatens to alienate and bewilder its audience, many of whom want to see little more than a few decent punch-ups.

Beyond the casting of its lead character, the film has nothing whatsoever to do with the original Ong-Bak, and is in fact set 600 years previous to the events of that film. In truth it does feature a plethora of fighting styles and numerous opportunities for Jaa to show them off, but the film lacks an assured directorial hand to confidently stage the arrogant, crowd-stopping set-pieces that made Jaa’s previous efforts so spectacular. Acclaimed action-director Panna Rittikrai, who choreographed those earlier outings, is credited as co-director alongside Jaa, but his artistry is lost amid the mud and blood, the choppy camera work and saturated visuals, making Ong Bak 2 feel like Rambo without guns.

It is not giving anything away to state that the film is open-ended, hinting at a possible sequel as much as it betrays a panicked editing process without the full co-operation of its star/director. Sadly, however, the film fails to inspire any sense of excitement in its audience, nor curiosity to know what will happen next. In fact, the only real question left in the balance is whether Tony Jaa will ever be allowed to direct another film again – and for the greater good of all involved, especially Jaa himself, one can only hope the answer is a resounding no.

Red Cliff

Perdana Menteri Cao Cao (Zhang Fengyi) yang menjadi tangan kanan Kaisar Xian (Wang Ning) berusaha meyakinkan sang kaisar untuk menyerang Liu Bei (You Yong) dan Sun Quan (Chang Chen) di bagian Selatan Cina dengan alasan bahwa keduanya berusaha untuk merebut kekuasaan sang kaisar.

Dalam waktu singkat, tanpa mengalami kesulitan apa pun, tentara Cao Cao berhasil menggempur wilayah Liu Bei tanpa ada perlawanan yang berarti. Liu Bei dan beberapa orang yang berhasil menyelamatkan diri kemudian melarikan diri. Sayangnya tentara Cao Cao berhasil menyusul Liu Bei dan anak buahnya.

Untungnya Zhang Fei (Zang Jinsheng) dan pasukannya datang untuk membantu Liu Bei. Dengan bantuan Zhang Fei, rombongan Liu Bei berhasil meloloskan diri dari kepungan tentara Cao Cao walaupun Liu Bei harus kehilangan istrinya dalam pertempuran ini.

Liu Bei kemudian mengutus orang kepercayaannya untuk pergi mencari bantuan ke Sun Quan. Setelah menimbang-nimbang segala kemungkinan, Sun Quan kemudian memutuskan untuk membantu Liu Bei melawan Cao Cao.

Dalam pertempuran pertama, gabungan tentara Liu Bei dan Sun Quan berhasil mengalahkan tentara Cao Cao yang tak siap menghadapi gabungan dua pasukan ini. Namun Cao Cao belum sepenuhnya berhasil dilumpuhkan, pertempuran masih panjang dan akan menelan korban yang tak sedikit.

Film RED CLIFF ini adalah karya spektakuler sutradara kawakan John Woo. Kisahnya tak jauh dari THREE KINGDOMS: RESURRECTION OF THE DRAGON. Bedanya yang ini diklaim lebih berdasar pada fakta sejarah ketimbang karya sastra.

Panjangnya cerita sejarah ini membuat John Woo terpaksa menjadikan film RED CLIFF 2 episode. Bisa jadi langkah ini cukup bijaksana karena menuangkan semua cerita dalam satu episode bisa berakibat hilangnya detail yang akhirnya membuat jalan cerita kehilangan kekokohannya.

Namun walaupun sudah dibuat menjadi 2 episode, film ini masih berkesan seolah dikejar waktu. Ada beberapa adegan yang terasa dibuat terlalu singkat sehingga penonton tak punya kesempatan lebih memahami karakter si tokoh. Tapi itu bisa dimaklumi bila mengingat ada banyak tokoh sentral dalam film ini.

Beberapa pengambilan gambar yang mungkin dimaksudkan untuk memanjakan mata pun terasa terlalu berlebihan dan berkesan monoton. Misalnya saja adegan pertempuran, bangunan-bangunan megah dan pemandangan alam yang seharusnya jadi tontonan menarik malah terasa jadi berlebihan.

Tapi secara keseluruhan, film ini cukup enak untuk ditonton. Adegan-adegan pertarungan ala film Hongkong memang masih menarik untuk dinikmati. Koreografi pertarungan memang jadi menu utama kebanyakan film laga Asia.

Kabarnya film berbujet US$80 juta ini bakal jadi film Asia dengan biaya termahal dan sekaligus jadi film yang menandai come back-nya sutradara John Woo ke film Hongkong.